Publication Type | Publication | Link | Year |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah, Sarah Baird, Dirgha Ghimire. 2019. "Maternal employment and child health in Nepal: The importance of job type and timing across the child's first five years". Social Science & Medicine. | DOI | 2,019 |
Journal Articles | Autumn E. Albers, Karl Pope, Tula R. Sijali, Supram H. Subramanya, Sharat C. Verma, Michael N. Bates. 2019."Household fuel use and latent tuberculosis infection in a Nepali population." Environmental Research. | DOI | 2,019 |
Journal Articles | William G. Axinn, Stephanie Chardoul, Heather Gatny, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Jordan W. Smoller, Yang Zhang and Kate M. Scott, 2019. "Using life history calendars to improve measurement of lifetime experience with mental disorders". Psychological Medicine. | DOI | 2,019 |
Journal Articles | Thornton, A., Williams, N.E., Bhandari, P. et al. Demography. 2019. "Influences of Material Aspirations on Migration" 56: 75. | DOI | 2,019 |
Journal Articles | Smith-Greenaway, Emily, Sarah R. Brauner-Otto, and William G. Axinn. 2018. "Offspring Education and Parental Mortality: Evidence from South Asia." Social Science Research 76:157-168. | DOI | 2,018 |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Karen A. Snedker. 2018. "Fear of Violence during Armed Conflict: Trauma, Risks, and Resources as Determinants of Fear" Social Science Research 71:145-159. | DOI | 2,018 |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem B. 2017. "Rural agricultural transformation: Is family labor availability an obstacle for labor-saving farm technology use among smallholder farmers?." Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Economics. | 2,017 | |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., William G. Axinn, Heather H. Gatny, and Stephanie A. Chardoul. 2017. "Preparing a Culturally Appropriate Translation of a Survey Questionnaire." SAGE Research Methods Cases Online Only. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Allendorf, Keera, Arland Thornton, Colter Mitchell and Linda Young-DeMarco and Dirgha Ghimire. 2017. “Early Women, Late Men: Timing Attitudes and Gender Differences in Marriage” Journal of Marriage and Family. 79:1478- 1496. | 2,017 | |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., and William G. Axinn. 2017. "Natural Resource Collection and Desired Family Size: A Longitudinal Test of Environment-population Theories." Population and Environment 38(4):381-406. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Emily Smith-Greenaway. 2017. “Emotional Variation and Fertility Behavior.” Demography 54(2):437-458. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Sullivan, Abigail, Abigail M. York, Dave White, Sharon J. Hall, and Scott T. Yabiku. 2017. "De jure versus de facto institutions: trust, information, and collective efforts to manage the invasive mile-a-minute weed (Mikania micrantha)." International Journal of the Commons 11(1):171-199. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Sullivan, Abigail, Abigail M. York, Li An, Scott T. Yabiku, and Sharon J. Hall. 2017. "How Does Perception at Multiple Levels Influence Collective Action in the Commons? The Case of Mikania Micrantha in Chitwan, Nepal." Forest Policy and Economics 80:1-10. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Allendorf, Keera. 2017. "Conflict and Compatibility? Developmental Idealism and Gendered Differences in Marital Choice." Journal of Marriage and Family 79(2):337-55. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Pearlman, Jessica, Lisa Pearce, Dirgha Ghimire, Prem Bhandari and Taylor Hargrove. 2017. “Social Contexts and the Living Arrangements of Recently Married Sons: Understanding Factors Driving Household Fission.” Demography 54:1425-1449. | 2,017 | |
Journal Articles | Jennings, Elyse A. 2017. "Family composition and marital dissolution in rural Nepal, 1945-2008." Population Studies. | 2,017 | |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., Nathalie E. Williams, Arland Thornton, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Prem B. Bhandari. 2017."Strategies for Origin-based Surveying of International Migrants." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Pearlman, Jessica, Lisa D. Pearce, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Prem B. Bhandari, and Taylor Hargrove. 2017. "Postmarital Living Arrangements in Historically Patrilocal Settings: Integrating Household Fission and Migration Perspectives." Demography54:1425-1449. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., and William G. Axinn. 2017. "Natural Resource Collection and Desired Family Size: A Longitudinal Test of Environment-population Theories." Population and Environment 38(4):381-406. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Yabiku, Scott T., Jennifer E. Glick, Elizabeth Wentz, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Qunshan Zhao. 2017. "Comparing Paper and Tablet Modes of Retrospective Activity Space Data Collection." Survey Research Methods 11(3):329-344. | DOI | 2,017 |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem B., and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2016. "Rural Agricultural Change and Individual Out-migration." Rural Sociology 81(4):572-600. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem B., and Indra Chaudhary. 2016. "A Calendar Method of Collecting Remittance Use Data in a Remittance Dependent Setting of Nepal." Migration and Development Online Only. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Jennings, Elyse A. 2016. "Predictors of Marital Dissolution During a Period of Rapid Social Change: Evidence From South Asia." Demography 53(5):1351-1375. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Jennings, Elyse A., and Rachael Pierotti. 2016. "The influence of wives' and husbands' fertility preferences on progression to a third birth in Nepal, 1997-2009." Population Studies 70(1):115-133. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Allendorf, Keera . 2016. "Conflict and compatibility? Developmental idealism and gendered differences in marital choice." Journal of Marriage and Family. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Scott, K. M. and Chardoul, S. A. 2016."Demography of Mental Health. 18-25. In Friedman,Howard S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition)."Academic Press:Oxford. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Hawes, Armani, William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2016. “Ethnicity and Mental Health.” Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health 4(4):1072. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2016. "Social Context of First Birth Timing in a Rapidly Changing Rural Setting." Social Science Research 61:314-329. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | McKendry-Smith, Emily. 2016. “‘Baba Has Come to Civilize Us’: Developmental Idealism and Framing the Strict Demands of the Brahma Kumaris.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55(4): 698-716. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Auerbach, Randy P., Jordi Alonso, William G. Axinn, and et al. 2016. "Mental Disorders among College Students in the World Mental Health Surveys." Psychological Medicine46(14):2955-2970. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Hawes, Armani, William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2016. "Ethnicity and Psychiatric Disorders." Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health 4(4):1072. PMC5560443. | DOI | 2,016 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G. 2015. "Demographic Change: The Case of Chitwan Valley in Nepal." International Journal of Sociology 45(1):1-3. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Compernolle, Ellen (Nell). 2015. "Changing Attitudes Toward Care of Aging Parents: The Influence of Education, International Travel, and Gender." International Journal of Sociology 45(1):64-83. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2015. "Wives' and Husbands' Nonfamily Experiences and First-Birth Timing." International Journal of Sociology 45(1):4-23. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., William G. Axinn, and Emily Smith-Greenaway. 2015. "Impact of the Spread of Mass Education on Married Women's Experience with Domestic Violence."Social Science Research 54:319-331. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | West, Brady T., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2015. “Evaluating a Modular Design Approach to Collecting Survey Data Using Text Messages.” Survey Research Methods 9(2):111-123. | PMCID: PMC4551499. | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Pearce, Lisa D., Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., Ji, Yingchun . 2015. "Explaining religious differentials in family-size preference: Evidence from Nepal in 1996. " Population Studies. 69, (1), 23-37. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Nathalie E. Williams, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Kate M. Scott. 2015. “Associations between the Social Organization of Communities and Psychiatric Disorders in Rural Asia.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 50(10):1537-1545. | PMCID: PMC4594883. | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem, Chaudhary, Indra . 2015. "A Calendar Method of Collecting Remittance Use Data in a Remittance-Dependent Setting in Nepal." Population Studies Center Research Report 15-846. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research. | 2,015 | |
Journal Articles | Allendorf, Keera, Arland Thornton . 2015. "Caste and choice: The influence of developmental idealism on marriage behavior." American Journal of Sociology. 121, (1), 243-287. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah . 2015. "Health services, attitudes about children, and fertility limitation." International Journal of Sociology. 45, (1), 24-43. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E. 2015. "Mixed and complex mixed migration during armed conflict: Multidimensional empirical evidence from Nepal." International Journal of Sociology. 45, (1), 44-63. | DOI | 2,015 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, Nathalie Williams, and Kate Scott. 2015. "Associations between the social organization of communities and psychiatric disorders in rural Asia." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50(10): 1537-1545. PMCID: PMCID4594883. | DOI. Abstract. | 2,015 |
Book Chapter | Williams, Nathalie and Dirgha Ghimire. Forthcoming. “Mixed Methods Data Collection in a Comparative International Context: New Technologies, New Opportunities for Social Science in Advances.” in Comparative Survey Methodology edited by Timothy P. Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke A. L. Stoop, and Brita Dorer. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. | 2,018 | |
Book Chapter | McKendry-Smith, Emily. "Enjoy the Heat of the Log and Heed the Advice of the Elders": Religious, Educational, and Neighborhood Determinants of Parental Influence on Spousal Choice in Nepal. Pp. 1-26 in Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 11. Intimate Relationships and Social Change: The Dynamic Nature of Dating, Mating, and Coupling, edited by Christina L. Scott and Sampson Lee Blair, Bingley, UK: Emerald. | 2,017 | |
Book Chapter | Mneimneh, Zeina, N., William G. Axinn, Dirgha Ghimire, Kristen L. Cibelli and Mohammad Salih Alkaisy. 2014. Conducting surveys in areas of armed conflict. Pp.134-156 in Hard- to-Survey Populations edited by R. Tourangeau, B. Edwards, T. P. Johnson, K. M. Wolter, and N. Bates. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | 2,014 | |
Book Chapter | Williams, Nathalie E., Arland Thornton, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Linda C. Young-DeMarco. 2012. Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Behaviors, Plans, and Values. Pp. 155-185 in Migrant Labor in the Persian Gulf, edited by M. Kamrava and Z. Babar. London, UK: C. Hurt & Co. Ltd. | 2,012 | |
Book Chapter | Thornton, Arland, Alexandra Achen, Jennifer S. Barber, Georgina Binstock, Wade M. Garrison, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Ronald Inglehart, Rukmalie Jayakody, Yang Jiang, Julie de Jong, Katherine King, Ron J. Lesthaeghe, Sohair Mehenna, Colter Mitchell, Mansoor Moaddel, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Nobert Schwarz, Guangzhou Wang, Y. Xie, Li-Shou Yang, Linda C. Young-DeMarco, and Katharine Yount. 2010. “Process and Method for Creating Questions and Protocols for an International Study of Developmental Idealism, Developmental Thinking, and Family Life.” Pp. 59-74 in Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts, edited by M. Braun, B. Edwards, J. Harkness, T. Johnson, L. Lyberg, P. Mohler, B. E. Pennell, and T. W. Smith. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. | 2,010 | |
Book Chapter | Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Jennifer S. Barber. 2008. The Influence of Ideational Dimensions of Social Change on Family Formation in Nepal. Pp.251-280 in International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives, edited by R. Jayakody, A. Thornton and W. G. Axinn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. | 2,008 | |
Book Chapter | Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2008. International Dissemination of Ideas about Development and Family Change. Pp. 19-44 in International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives, edited by R. Jayakody, A. Thornton, and W. G. Axinn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. | 2,008 | |
Dissertation | Reisman, Ande. 2018. "Gender Structures, Strategies, and Expectations during Nepal’s Labor Migrations". Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, University of Washington. | 2,018 | |
Dissertation | Compernolle, Nell (Ellen L. Compernolle). 2017. "Spouses Crossing Borders: Husbands’ International Migration and the Marital Relationship". Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. | 2,017 | |
Dissertation | Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya. 2011. “Migration and Remittances During the Period of Civil Conflict in Nepal.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Princeton University, Princeton. | 2,011 | |
Dissertation | Ji, Yingchun. 2011. Understanding How Economic and Ideational Factors Combine to Influence the Timing of Marriage. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill. | 2,011 | |
Dissertation | Sainju Pradhan, Meeta. 2011. Social Exclusion and Social Change: Access To, and Influence of, Community-Based Collective Action Programs in Nepal. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. | 2,011 | |
Dissertation | Wong, Ka Yu. 2011. Remittance Effects on the Relationship with Left-Behind Family in Chitwan, Nepal. B.A. Honors Thesis. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. | 2,011 | |
Dissertation | Link, Cynthia. 2010. Husbands, Wives, and In-Laws: Family Dynamics and Childbearing Behavior in Nepal. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. | 2,010 | |
Dissertation | Smith, Emily McKendray. 2010. Reconstructing Religion Amidst Social Change. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill. | 2,010 | |
Dissertation | Mitchell, Colter M. 2009. "Three Essays on Worldviews, Autonomy and the Family in Nepal."Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Sociology,. The University of Michigan. | Link | 2,009 |
Dissertation | Williams, Nathalie E. 2009. "Living with Conflict: The Effect of Community Organizations, Economic Assets, and Mass Media Consumption on Migration During Armed Conflict."Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Sociology. The University of Michigan. | Link | 2,009 |
Dissertation | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2007. "Health Services, Schools, Attitudes, and Contraceptive Use: Tests of a Theoretical Model Among Rural Nepalese." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. The University of Michigan. | Link | 2,007 |
Dissertation | Bhandari, Prem. 2006.Technology Use in Agriculture and Occupational Mobility of Farm Households in Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology and The Population Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University. | 2,006 | |
Dissertation | Pradhan, Prabina. 2006. Documentation of Ethno-botanical Knowledge of Bote Community of Chitwan. Unpublished MSc Agriculture Thesis. Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuban University of Nepal. | 2,006 | |
Dissertation | Sutherland, E. 2006. The Effects of Women’s Status, Natural Resource Responsibility, and Family Planning Services on Contraceptive Behavior in a Rural Agrarian Setting in Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | 2,006 | |
Dissertation | Dhital, Purandhar. 2004. Household Human and Social Capital and School Enrollment in Chitwan, Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. | 2,004 | |
Dissertation | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2003. The Social Context of First Birth Timing in Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. | 2,003 | |
Dissertation | Yabiku, Scott. 2002. Marriage Timing and Social Change in Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan.Yabiku, Scott. 2002. Marriage Timing and Social Change in Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. | 2,002 | |
Dissertation | Gajurel, Kishor P. 2001. Organization of Agricultural Production and Human Fertility. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University. | 2,001 | |
Dissertation | Pearce, Lisa D. 2000. The Multidimensional Impact of Religion on Childbearing Preferences and Behavior in Nepal. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University. | 2,000 | |
Annual Report | Annual Report 2000 and 2002 | Link | 2,002 |
Annual Report | Annual Report 1998 and 1999 | Link | 1,999 |
Annual Report | Annual Report 1997 | Link | 1,997 |
Annual Report | Annual Report 1996 | Link | 1,996 |
Annual Report | Annual Report 1995 | Link | 1,995 |
Report to Respondent | Respondent Report 2074 | Link | 2,017 |
Report to Respondent | Respondent Report 2067 | Link | 2,010 |
Report to Respondent | Respondent Report 2060 | Link | 2,003 |
Report to Respondent | Respondent Report 2057 | Link | 2,000 |
Report to Respondent | Respondent Report 2055 | Link | 1,998 |
Research and Policy Brief | "A Closer Look at Health Services and Fertility in Nepal" | Link | 2,018 |
Research and Policy Brief | "Active Ageing to Combat Declining Family Support for Elderly Care in Nepal" | Link | 2,018 |
Research and Policy Brief | "School Expansion and Reductions in Intimate Partner Violence in Nepal" | Link | 2,018 |
Research and Policy Brief | "Gender Differences in Mental Health in Nepal" | Link | 2,017 |
Research and Policy Brief | "Infrastructure Services and Mental Health in Nepal" | Link | 2,017 |
Research and Policy Brief | "Social Organization, Population, & Land Use in Nepal" | Link | 2,017 |
Research and Policy Brief | "Facilitating Local Nepali Investment Opportunities Using Remittance " | Link | 2,017 |
Research and Policy Brief | "Labor-Saving Farm Technology in Nepal" | Link | 2,017 |
Other Publications | Jennings, E., Ghimire, D, & Axinn, W. 2010. “The Effect of Parent Attitudes on Marriage Timing of Sons in Nepal”. Working Paper. Poster Session PAA 2010. | 2,010 | |
Other Publications | Ghimire, Dirgha J and William G. Axinn. 2009. “Social Change, Population, and Environment: Impact of Population on Bio-diversity in a Natural Resources-Dependent Community.” Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 30-May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Other Publications | Oster, Emily and Rebecca Thornton. 2009. “Determinants of Technology Adoption: Peer Effects in Menstrual Cup Take-Up”. NBER Working Paper Series no: 14828; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009. | 2,009 | |
Other Publications | Oster, Emily and Rebecca Thornton. 2009. “Menstruation and Education in Nepal”. NBER Working Paper Series no: 14853; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009. | 2,009 | |
Other Publications | Williams, Nathalie, and Meeta Sainju Pradhan. 2009. “Political Conflict and Migration: How Has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal?” PSC Research Report No. 09-677. | 2,009 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2008. “Prakrati Samrachanko lagi Sanjal Nirman tatha Sahakarayako Vikaskram" Paradarshi 2, April 2008, Page 2, Wednesday. | 2,008 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2008 "Fulbari VDC (Chitwan): A Potential Destination for Agrotourism Business". Nepal Travel Trade Reporter (June 1-15), 10(49): 44-45. | 2,008 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. and Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2008. “Local Uses of Plant Resources of Western Chitwan, Nepal: A Literature Review”. POST 056 (pp 472). Abstracts. The Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology, Nov. 10-12, 2008. NAST, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. | 2,008 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj and Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2008. “Reciprocal Relation between Population and the Environment: Innovation in Flora Data Collection”. Abstracts: The Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology, November 10-12, 2008 organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. P126. | 2,008 | |
Other Publications | Shrestha, Binoj Kumar, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, and Dharma Raj Dangol. 2008. “Lahare Banmarako Atikraman Badhdo Chunauti.” Paryabaran, Srawan 2065, June/July, 2008. 16 (89):26-30. | 2,008 | |
Other Publications | Axinn, William G. and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2007. “Social Organization, Population, and Land Use.” PSC Research Report No. 07-617. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Axinn, William G., Jennifer S. Barber, and Ann E. Biddlecom. 2007. “Social Organization and the Transition from Direct to Indirect Consumption.” PSC Research Report No. 07-618. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Massey, Douglas S., William G. Axinn, Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2007. "Environmental Change and Out-Migration: Evidence from Nepal." PSC Research Report No. 07-615. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2007. “Human Impact on Plant Resources: Evidences from western Chitwan, Nepal”. Nepal Travel Trade Reporter (December 17-30, 2007), 10 (43): 44-45. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2007. “Gandhemaya Nahos Batabaran.” The Gorkhapatra, Chaitra 9, 2064, Page A. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2007. “Stephanie, Ethnobotany ra Sapana.” The Gorkhapatra, Saturday, Kartik 10, 2064, Page 6. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2007. “Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Plants in Western Chitwan, Nepal”. National Seminar in Sustainable Use of Biological Resources with the special theme: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (April 22-23, 2007), Pokhara, Nepal. Abstracts. Ecological Society (Kathmandu), Institute of Forestry, Pokhara and PN Campus, Pokhara. P 69. | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2007. “Uchcha Krishi Sikshyama Sahabhagimulak Adhyayan, Anusandhan ra Bikashka Sthaniya Pahalharu.” Sabhagita 2064. Kartik-Poush, No. 38: 11-13 | 2,007 | |
Other Publications | Massey, Douglas S., Nathalie Williams, William G. Axinn, and Dirgha Ghimire. 2006. “Migration, Development, and Gender in Nepal’s Chitwan Valley.” Working Paper. Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan. | 2,006 | |
Other Publications | Pearce, Lisa D., William G. Axinn, Indra Chaudhary. 2006. “Elaborating Relationships between Household-Level Population Dynamics and Environmental Consumption Using a Mixed Method Approach.” Working paper. Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan. | 2,006 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj, Prem Bhandari, Bishnu Adhikari, Indra Chaudhary and Susan Gurung. 2006. “Paschim Chitwanko Banaspati Sarvekshyan tatha Bishlehsan.” Hamro Sirjana, 2(3):33-40. | 2,006 | |
Other Publications | Pandit, Prem P. 2006. “Chitwanma Arsenic: Ek Adhyayan”. Narayani Today, Year 6, No. 39: 28-29. | 2,006 | |
Other Publications | Shrestha, Sundar S., Sujan Shrestha, and Ann E. Biddlecom. 2006. “The Household Registration System: Methods and Issues in Collecting Continuous Data on Demographic Events.” Working paper. | 2,006 | |
Other Publications | Pandit, Prem P. 2005. “Chitwan Jillama Dhankhetima SRI Prabidhiko Suruwat”. Chitwan Post 2062, Year 8, No. 72. | 2,005 | |
Other Publications | Adhikari, Bishnu, 2004. "Paschim Chitwanma Swasthya Sewako Bikash". Chitwan Mahotsab Smarika-2061. Udyog Vanijya Sangha, Narayangarh, Chitwan. | 2,004 | |
Other Publications | Axinn, William G. and Jennifer S. Barber. 2003. “Linking People and Land Use: A Sociological Perspective.” Pp. 285-313 in J. Fox, R. R. Rindfuss, S. Walsh, and V. Mishra, Editors. People and the Environment. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 2,003 | |
Other Publications | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2003. “Economic Uses of Forest Plant Resources in Western Chitwan, Nepal” Banko Janakari 12(2):56-64. | 2,003 | |
Other Publications | Gajurel, Kishor, L. Jensen and C. S. Stokes. 2000. "Landholding and Fertility Motives: The Case of Nepal." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 23-25, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,000 | |
Other Publications | Axinn, William G. and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. 1997. “Demographic Issues and the Use of Natural Resources.” In Pp. 83-85 in Shivakoti et al. (eds.) People, Participation, and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics of Natural Resource Systems. Bloomington, Indiana and Rampur, Chitwan. | 1,997 | |
Other Publications | Matthews, Stephen A. 1997. “Methods to Incorporate Spatial and Temporal Effects in Research on the Interrelationships Between Population and Environment.” Pp. 205-218 in Shivakoti et al. (eds.) Participation, People and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics of Natural Resource Systems. Winrock International: Bloomington, Indiana and Rampur, Chitwan. | 1,997 | |
Other Publications | Richter, Kerry and Netra Chhetri. 1997. “Issues and Strategies for Understanding Population and Ecology Inter-linkages in Western Chitwan.” Proceedings of an International Conference held at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, 17-21 March, 1996. Pp. 114-125 in Shivakoti et al. (eds.) People, Participation, and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics of Natural Resource Systems. Bloomington, Indiana and Rampur, Chitwan. | 1,997 | |
Presentations | Manandhar, Rija, Michele Clark, Sharon J. Hall, Scott Yabiku, Sean Murphy, and Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2018. " Assessing a low-technology intervention to control Mikania micrantha in the community forests of Chitwan, Nepal (OR -BIC -2 -443)” Presented at the Third International Conference on Mountains in the Changing World (MoChWo), Kathmandu, Nepal (October 09th-10th, 2018). | 2,018 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha, William Axinn, and Prem Bhandari. 2017. "Social Change, Out-migration and Exit from Agriculture." A paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society Columbus, Ohio, USA (July 27th- 30th, 2017). | 2,017 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., Sarah Baird, and Dirgha Ghimire. 2017. "Women’s Labor Force Participation and Child Health in Nepal." A poster presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, USA (April 27- 29, 2017) | 2,017 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha, William Axinn, and Prem Bhandari. 2017. "Social Change, Out-migration and Exit from Agriculture." A poster presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, USA (April 27- 29, 2017). | 2,017 | |
Presentations | Manadhar, Rija, Michele Clark, Sharon J. Hall, Scott Yabiku, Sean Murphy, and Dirgha Ghimire. 2017. “Evaluating the effects of a low-technology management technique on Mikania micrantha in the community forests of Chitwan, Nepal” Paper presented at International Conference on Biodiversity, Climate Change Assessment and Impacts on Livelihoods, Jan. 10-12, 2017 Kathmandu Nepal | 2,017 | |
Presentations | Glick, Jennifer Victor Agadjania, Dirgha Ghimire, Sarah Hayford, Carlos Santos, Natalie Eggum-Wilkens and Scott Yabiku. 2017. "Children’s well-being in diverse migration contexts: Goals, design and preliminary findings from the FAMELO project." A paper presented at 2017 International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (29 October -04 November 2017). | Link | 2,017 |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha, William Axinn, and Prem Bhandari. 2017. "Social Change, Out-migration and Exit from Agriculture." A paper presented at 2017 International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (29 October -04 November 2017). | Link | 2,017 |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., Sarah Baird, and Dirgha Ghimire. 2017 " Women’s Labor Force Participation and Child Health in Nepal." A paper presented at 2017 International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (29 October -04 November 2017). | Link | 2,017 |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha and Prem Bhandari. 2015. "Migration Experience and Health Outcomes in Nepal." A paper presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meetings, San Diego Bayfront, California, USA (April 30-May 2, 2015). | 2,015 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J., Ellen Compernolle and William Axinn. 2015. “Intergenerational influences on children’s marriage timing” A paper presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meetings, San Diego Bayfront, California, USA (April 30-May 2, 2015). | 2,015 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J., and Prem Bhandari. 2014. “Migration Experience and Health Outcomes of Older Adults in Nepal.” A paper presented at the First Nepal Population Conference held in Kathmandu, June 5-7, 2014. | 2,014 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Dirgha J. Ghimire, 2013. “Views of the Interrelationships of the Dimensions of Developmental Idealism and Family Life: Evidence from Nepal.” Paper presented at International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, August 26-31, Busan, Republic of Korea. | 2,013 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2013. “Impact of the Spread of Mass Education on Domestic Violence against Wives.” Paper presented at International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, August 26-31, Busan, Republic of Korea. | 2,013 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J., Nathalie Williams, Arland Thornton, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Prem B. Bhandari. 2013. “Innovation in the Study of International Migrants.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 11-13, New Orleans, LA. | 2,013 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Prem B. Bhandari. 2013. “The Reliability and Stability of Measures about People’s Values and Beliefs concerning Family Life and Social Change.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 11-13, New Orleans, LA. | 2,013 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex, and Li An. 2012. "Exploring Feedbacks between Demography, Land-use, and Land-cover in a CHANS in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal." To be Presented at US-IALE Symposium, April 8-12, Newport, RI. | 2,012 | |
Presentations | Carter, Neil C., Ashton Shortridge, Shawn J. Riley, Binoj Shrestha. 2012. "Using Geospatial Models to Map Local Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions towards a Conflict-prone Predator." Presented at the American Association for Geographers Meeting, February 24-28, New York, NY. | 2,012 | |
Presentations | Subedi, Inku. 2012. “Changing Marital and Migration Patterns among Young Adults in Nepal : Opportunity to Examine Effects of Migration on Marriage.” A Poster Presented at the Population Association of Subedi, Inku. 2012. “Changing Marital and Migration Patterns among Young Adults in Nepal : Opportunity to Examine Effects of Migration on Marriage.” A Poster Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, May 3-5, San Francisco, California.America Annual Meeting, May 3-5, San Francisco, California. | 2,012 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem B. and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2012. “Agricultural Change and Migration in a Rural Agrarian Setting.” A Poster Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, May 3-5, San Francisco, California. | 2,012 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G., Sarah R. Brauner-Otto and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2012. “Parents’ Emotional Bond and Children’s Marriage Timing.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, May 3-5, San Francisco, CA. | 2,012 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex, and Li An. 2011. "Remote Sensing of Aboveground Woody Biomass Resources in the Western Chitwan Valley, Nepal." Presented at the 2011 US-IALE Symposium, April, Portland, OR | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex, and Li An. 2011. " Modeling Human-Environment Interactions and their Ecological Implications in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal." Presented at the 2011 AAAS Conference, February, Washington D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex, and Li An. 2011. "The ChitwanABM: Modeling Population-Environment Interactions and their Implications in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal." Presented at SDSU 2011 Student Research Symposium, March 5, San Diego, CA. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie E., Arland Thornton, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2011. "Migrants and Their Values: How are They Different and how do They Change?" Presented at INTEGRATION: Institutional and Life-Course Perspectives on Migration, University of Bremen, January 20, Bremen Germany. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie, Arland Thornton, Dirga J. Ghimire, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Mansoor Moaddel. 2011. "Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, March 31-April 2, Washington, D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie E. 2011. "The Social Science of Migration During Armed Conflict: A Risks, Resources, and Responses Framework." Presented at the California Center for Population Research, University of California, February 23, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Subedi, Inku. 2011. "Does Husband-Wife Fertility Preference Matter?: Couples’ Fertility Preference and its Effect on Subsequent Male- vs. Female-based Contraceptive Use." Presented at the 2011 Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Pearce, Lisa D., Shradha Shrestha, and Taylor Hargrove. 2011. "When Nature Becomes Disenchanted: The Role of Ideational Change in Models of Environmental Degradation." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, March 31-April 2, Washington, D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Mitchell, Colter. 2011. "Whose Will Dominates? Individual, Family and Community Influences on Participation in Spouse Selection." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Jennings, Elyse and Jennifer Barber. 2011. "The Influence of Individual and Neighbor Attitudes on Progression to Higher Parity Birth." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya and Douglas S. Massey. 2011."Individual Decisions to Migrate During Civil Conflict." Presented at the Notestein Seminar, February 22, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya. 2011. "Remittance Motives among Nepalese Migrants." Presentated at the 3rd Annual Graduate Conference on Democracy and Governance, March 25-26, University of Connecticut, CT. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem, Nicole Kirgis, Dirgha J. Ghimire and William G Axinn. 2011. "Paradata and Data Quality: Interview Environment, Interviewer Characteristics and Data Quality - Analysis from the Chitwan Valley Family Study in Nepal." Presented at the Eighth International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI 2011), March 24-26, City University, London, England. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Allendorf, Keera and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2011. “Dimensions and Determinants of Marital Quality in Nepal.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 31-April 2, Washington, D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie, Arland Thornton, Dirgha Ghimire, Linda Young-DeMarco and Mansoor Moaddel. 2011. “Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans.” Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 31-April 2, Washington, D.C. | 2,011 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex and Li An. 2010. "Connecting Micro-scale Fertility Decision-making with Macro-scale LULC in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal Using an Agent-based Model." Presented at Global Land Project Open Science Meeting 2010, Arizona, USA, Oct 18, 2010. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2010. “Armed Conflict, Mass Media, and Migration: A Micro-Level Social Demographic Approach.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, Mohammad J. Abbasi-Shavazi, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2010. “International Fertility Change: New Data and Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Shrestha, B. K., D. J. Ghimire, P. Bhandari, and D. R. Dangol. 2010. "Are Community Forests Maintaining the Diverstiy or Just Protecting Trees? Evidience from Barandabhar Buffer Zone Community Forest, Chitwan, Nepal." A paper presented at the International Conference on Biodiversity, Livelihood and Climate Change in the Himalayas, December 12 to 14, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Pradhan, Meeta S. 2010. “Who Participates? The ‘Penalty’ of Caste and Ethnicity on Participation in Community Group Programs in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Pradhan, Meeta S. 2010. “Keeping Girls in School and Delaying Early Marriage in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Reference Bureau Workshop, April 13-14, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Mitchell, Colter. 2010. “Whose Will Dominates: Individual, Family and Community Influences on Participation in Spouse Selection.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Ji, Yingchun. 2010. “The Role of Education in Marriage Formation: An In-depth Investigation of the Economic and Ideational Features of Education\'s Influence.” Presented at the annual meeting of American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, August 2010. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Jennings, Elyse, Willam G. Axinn, and Dirgha Ghimire. 2010. “The Effect of Parent Attitudes on Marriage Timing of Sons in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah H. and Lisa Pearce. 2010. “Intergenerational Religious Influences and the Timing of First Marriage.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem B. and Dirgha Ghimire. 2010. “Demographic Impact of Agricultural Technology Use in Nepal.” A poster presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 15-17, Dallas, Texas. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem B. and Dirgha Ghimire. 2010. "Farm Technology Use and Fertility Transition in an Agrarian Setting of Nepal." A paper presented at the First Asian Population Association Annual Meetings, November 16 to 20, 2010, New Delhi, India. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Mansoor Moaddel, Arland Thornton, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2010. “Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans.” Migrant Labor in the Gulf Meeting, Georgetown University, January 10, Doha, Qatar. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2010. “Modern Farm Inputs Use and Fertility Transition in an Agrarian Setting of Nepal.” Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, April 15-17, Dallas, TX. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Georgina. Binstock, Katharine Yount, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Yu Xie. 2010. “International Fertility Change: New Data and Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America meetings, April 15-17, Dallas, TX. | 2,010 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex and Li An. 2009. “Exploring Land Use Change in Southern Nepal Using an Agent-Based Model.” Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Session 2151. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex. 2009. “Impacts of Climate Change in the Western Chitwan Valley, Nepal.” Presented at the US-IALE Symposium. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Zvoleff, Alex. 2009. “An Agent-Based Model for the Western Chitwan Valley, Nepal.” Presented at the SDSU Student Research Symposium. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2009. “Betting on Life and Livelihoods: The Role of Employment and Assets in the Decision to Migrate During Armed Conflict.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, April 30 to May 2. Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Pradhan, Meeta. 2009. “Who Participates? The “Penalty” of Caste and Ethnicity on Participation in Community Group Programs in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Association of America, April 30 to May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Piotrowski, Martin. 2009. “Mass Media and Rural Out-Migration in the Context of Social Change: Evidence from Rural Nepal.” International Migration. Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 30-May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Pienta, Amy and Dirgha Ghimire. 2009. “Neighborhood Context over the Life Course and Health in Later Life.” Presented at the Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Pearce, Lisa D., Axinn, William G. Axinn, and Indra Chaudhary. 2009. “Elaborating Links between Population Dynamics and Environmental Consumption through a Mixed Method Approach.” Presented at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, May. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | McKendry-Smith, Emily. 2009. “Om Shanti and Women’s Family Relationships in Nepal.” Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Denver, CO. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Link, Cynthia F. 2009. “Daughters-In-Law and Mothers-In-Law: Determinants of Relationship Happiness.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 30 to May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Ji, Yingchun. 2009. “How Economic and Ideational Factors Interact to Shape Marriage Timing.” Under review. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 30 to May 2, Detroit, MI. Poster Award Winner. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Hargrove, Taylor W. and Lisa D. Pearce. 2009. “Attitudes and Behavior: Early Life Course Social and Environment Determinants of Household Fission in the Chitwan Valley Region of Nepal.” Presented at the Carolina Population Center Annual Summer Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC and the the Southern Demographic Association Annual Conference, Galveston, TX, 2009. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2009. "Population and Biodiversity in a Natural Resources-Dependent Community." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 30 to May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2009. “School Quality, The Spread of New Ideas, and Transitions in Childbearing Behavior.” Revise and resubmit at Social Forces. Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 30 to May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2009. “Schools, Schooling, and Children’s Support of Their Aging Parents.” Ageing & Society 29(7):1015-39. Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 30 to May 2, Detroit, MI. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Georgina Binstock, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Yu Xie, and Katharine Yount. 2009. “International Fertility Change: Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework.” Paper presented at the Special Interdisciplinary Workshop on Fertility Declines in the Past, Present and Future: What We Don’t Know and What We Need to Know.” Sponsored by the British Society for Population Studies and Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, July 15-17, Cambridge, UK. | 2,009 | |
Presentations | Dangol, Dharma Raj and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2008. “Local Uses of Plant Resources of Western Nepal: A Literature Review.” Poster presented at the Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology, November 10-12, Kathmandu. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Dangol, Dharma Raj and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2008. “Reciprocal Relation between Population and Environment: Innovations on Flora Data Collection Methodology.” Paper presented at the Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology, November 10-12, Kathmandu. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie and Meeta S. Pradhan. 2008. “Political Conflict and Migration: How Has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal?” Presented at the Himalayan Policy Research Conference, October 16, Madison, WI. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2008. “Employment Assets, and Migration During Armed Conflict.” Presented at the Households in Conflict Network Annual Workshop, December 5-6, Yale University. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2008. “Conflict, Community Services, and Migration.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2008. “Armed Conflict, Psycho-Social Support, and Migration.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Pradhan, Meeta. 2008. “The Relationship Between Participation in Community Groups and Attitudes about Marriage and Gender Roles.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Macht (Link), Cynthia F. 2008. “Spousal Emotional Nucleation and Fertility Limitation.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2008. “Social Change, Community Context, Wives and Husbands’ Experiences and Domestic Violence Against Wives.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Emens, Amie. 2008. “Perceived Fertility Regulation Costs and Contraceptive Use in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Eckerman, Jennifer and Sarah R. Brauner-Otto. 2008. “Social and Economic Context, Gender, and Care for the Elderly in Nepal.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2008. “Social Context, The Spread of New Ideas, and Individual Behavior: School Quality, Attitudes about the Family, and Contraceptive Use in Nepal.” Presented at the Carolina Population Center Seminar, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2008. “School Quality, Attitudes about the Family, and Contraceptive Use in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Studies Center Brown Bag Seminar, University of Michigan. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Dangol, Dharma R. and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2008. “Uses of Plant Species in Western Chitwan, Nepal.” Paper presented at the 5th National Conference of Science and Technology, November 11-12, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G., Stephanie Chardoul, Dirgha Ghimire, Heather Gatny and Jennifer Barber. 2008. “Techniques for Creating a Continuous Record of Relationships, Contraception and Pregnancy: Examples from Radically Different Social and Survey Research Settings.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) Conference, June 25-28, Berlin Germany. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G. and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2008. “Data Collection Operations and Survey Data Quality Before, During and After Armed Conflict.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) Conference, June 25-28, Berlin, Germany. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2008. “Social Change, Community Context, Wives and Husbands’ Experiences and Domestic Violence against Wives.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 17-19, New Orleans, LA. | 2,008 | |
Presentations | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2007. “Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Plants in Western Chitwan Nepal." Paper presented at the 2007 National Seminar on Sustainable Use of Biological Resources, April 22-23, Pokhara, Nepal. | 2,007 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2007. “Conflict, Psycho-Social Support, and Migration.” Presented at An Unsettled Future? Forced Migration and Refugee Studies in the 21st Century, December 7-8, Refugee Studies Center, University of Oxford. | 2,007 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2007. “Political Conflict and Migration: Impact of the Maoist Insurrection on Migration Behavior in Nepal.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New York, NY. | 2,007 | |
Presentations | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2007. “Health Services, Childbearing Beliefs, and Sterilization.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting. | 2,007 | |
Presentations | Williams, Nathalie. 2006. “Education, Gender, and Migration in Rural Nepal.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 31 to April 1, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | Sutherland, E. 2006. “Natural Resource Responsibility and Seasonal Patterns in Contraceptive Behavior: Evidence from Nepal.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 31-April 2, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | Massey, Douglas S., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2006. “Environmental Change and Out-Migration: Evidence from Nepal.” Presented at the Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Merida, Mexico. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and Lynette Hoelter. 2006. “Social Change, Community Context, Land Use, and First Birth Timing in an Agricultural Setting.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, March 30-April 1, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Colter Mitchell. 2006. “The Measurement and Prevalence of Developmental Thinking about the Family: Evidence from Nepal.” Paper presented at the European Population Conference, June 21-24, Liverpool, UK. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J and Lynette F. Hoelter. 2006. “Land Use and First Birth timing in an Agricultural Setting.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 30-April 1, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | De Jong, Julie, Dirgha J. Ghimire and Arland Thornton. 2006. “The Influence of Developmental Idealism on Marriage: Evidence from Nepal.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 30-April 1, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,006 | |
Presentations | Shrestha, Sundar S. and Prem Bhandari. 2005. “Environmental Security and Labor Migration in Nepal.” Presented at the XXV International Population Conference of the IUSSP, July 18-23, Tours, France. | 2,005 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2005. “The Family Change in Nepal.” Paper presented at the plenary session on Nepal: Contemporary Development Issues and Challenges at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, September 23-25, East Lansing, MI. | 2,005 | |
Presentations | Thornton, A., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Colter Mitchell. 2005. “The Measurement and Prevalence of Developmental Thinking about the Family: Evidence from Nepal.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 31-April 2, Philadelphia, PA. | 2,005 | |
Presentations | Yabiku, Scott T. 2004. "Land Use and Marriage Timing." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 1-3, Boston, MA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Shrestha, Sundar S. and Prem Bhandari. 2004. “Cost of Children, Gender, Household Economic Structure and Individual Fertility Preferences.” Presented at the Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, October 14-16, Hilton Head Island, SC. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2004. “The Social Context of First Birth Timing in Nepal.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, April 1-3, Boston, MA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Brauner, Sarah, William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2004. “Social Change, Health Services, and Fertility Transition.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 14-17, San Francisco, CA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem, S. S. Shrestha, and N. Chhetri. 2004. "Child Labor and Forest Resource Collection: Variation in Individual Fertility Preferences in Nepal." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 1-3, Boston, MA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem and Sundar S. Shrestha. 2004. “Mass Media, Gender, and Contraception in Nepal.” Presented at the Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, October 14-16, Hilton Head Island, SC. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem. 2004. “More Hands or More Inputs? Relationship between Population and Agriculture in Nepal.” Presented at the Population Reference Bureau Workshop, March 31, Boston, MA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Brauner, Sarah, William G. Axinn and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2004. “Social Change, Health Services, and Fertility Transition.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association of America, August 14-17, San Francisco, CA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Axinn William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire and Jennifer S. Barber. 2004. “The Impact of Ideational Dimensions of Social Change on Family Formation Processes.” Paper presented at the Conference on Ideational Factors in International Family Change, June 3-5, Ann Arbor, MI. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2004. “International Networks, Ideas, and Family Change.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, November 17-20, Orlando, FL. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Hoelter, Lynette F., William G. Axinn and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2004. “Social Change, Premarital Non-Family Experiences, and Marital Relationship Quality.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, November 17-20, Orlando, FL. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2004. “The Social Context of First Birth Timing in Nepal.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of Population Association of America, April 1-3, Boston, MA. | 2,004 | |
Presentations | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2003. “Economic Uses of Common Land Plant Resources in Western Chitwan, Nepal.” Pp. 35 in Program and Abstracts, International Conference on Himalayan Biodiversity, February 26-28, Kathmandu. Organized by Himalayan Resources Institute, Biodiversity Research Group, Central Department of Zoology, The Ecological Association of Nepal and Nepal Biotechnology Association. | 2,003 | |
Presentations | Dangol, Dhama R. 2003. “Economic Uses of Common Land Plant Resources in Western Chitwan, Nepal.” Presented at the International Conference on Himalayan Biodiversity, February 26-28, Kathmandu. | 2,003 | |
Presentations | Yabiku, Scott T. 2003. “Neighbors and Neighborhoods: Effects on Marriage Timing.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, May 1-3, Minneapolis, MN. | 2,003 | |
Presentations | Robinson, Keith D. 2003. “The Influence of Attitudes toward Contraception on the Adoption of Permanent Methods to End Childbearing.” Presented at the 2003 Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, May 1-3, Minneapolis, MN. | 2,003 | |
Presentations | Pearce, Lisa D., William G. Axinn, and Indra Chuadary. 2003. "Turning Influential Data Points into Ethnographic Informants: Elaborating Links between Population Dynamics and Environmental Consumption." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, May 1-3, Minneapolis, MN. | 2,003 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. 2003. “Prospects and Problems for Health Related Research in Nepal.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the America Nepal Medical Foundation, Ann Arbor, MI. | 2,003 | |
Presentations | Yabiku, Scott, William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2002. “School Quality and Marriage Timing.” Previous version of Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, May 9-11, Atlanta, GA. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Shrestha, Sundar S. and Sujan L. Shrestha. 2002. "Migration and Collection of Continuous Data on Demographic Events." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, May 9-11, Atlanta, GA. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Dhital, Purandhar, Joan S. Thomson and Constance A. Flanagan. 2002. "Educational Participation of Early Adolescents, Chitwan, Nepal." Presented at the Social Research on Adolescents Biennial meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Bhandari, Prem. 2002. "Determinants of Individual Attitudes Toward Contraceptive Use in an Agricultural Society." Presented at the Eighth Annual College of Agricultural Sciences Graduate and Undergraduate Research Exhibition, March 20-21, The Pennsylvania State University. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Barber, Jennifer S., Susan Murphy, and Natalya Verbitsky. 2002. "Adjusting for Time-Varying Confounding in Survival Analysis." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association of America, August 16-19, Chicago, IL. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G. and Jennifer S. Barber. 2002. "Population and Land Use: A Sociological Perspective." Presented at the Human Actions and Land Use/Land Cover Change Conference, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, January 2-9, Honolulu, HA. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G. and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2002. “Population and Environment: The Impact of Fertility on Land Use in an Agricultural Society.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, May 9-11, Atlanta, GA. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Yabiku, Scott, William G. Axinn, Dirgha J. Ghimire and Keith Robinson. 2002. “School Quality and Marriage Timing.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, May 9-11, Atlanta, GA. | 2,002 | |
Presentations | Yabiku, Scott T. 2001. “Non-family Experiences and Marriage in a Setting of Rapid Social Change.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 29-31, Washington, D.C. | 2,001 | |
Presentations | Yabiku, Scott. 2001. "Marriage Timing and Social Change in Nepal." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 29-31, Washington D.C. | 2,001 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J., William G. Axinn and Arland Thornton. 2001. "Effects of Premarital Non-Family Experiences on Participation in Spouse Selection in an Arranged Marriage Society." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 29-31,Washington, D.C. | 2,001 | |
Presentations | Dhital, Purandhar, Joan S. Thomson and Constance A. Flanagan. 2001. "Extended Household Education and Educational Participation of Primary School Age Children, Chitwan, Nepal." Presented at 17th Annual Graduate Research Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University. | 2,001 | |
Presentations | Dhital, Purandhar, Joan S. Thomson, and Constance A. Flanagan. 2001. “Extra-parental Education and Educational Participation of Primary School Age Children, Chitwan, Nepal.” Presented at the AIAEE conference, April 4-7, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. | 2,001 | |
Presentations | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2001. “Premarital Independence and Spouse Choice in an Arranged Marriage Society.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 23-25, Washington, D.C. | 2,001 | |
Presentations | Pienta, Amy M., Jennifer S. Barber and William G. Axinn. 2000. "Social Change and Living Arrangements Among the Elderly." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 23-25, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,000 | |
Presentations | Biddlecom, Ann E., William G. Axinn and Jennifer S. Barber. 2000. "Environmental Effects on Reproductive Preferences: A Case Study in Nepal." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 23-25, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,000 | |
Presentations | Barber, Jennifer S., Lisa D. Pearce, Indra Chaudhury, and Susan Gurung. 2000. "Voluntary Associations and Fertility Limitation." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association of America, August 12-16, Washington, D.C. | 2,000 | |
Presentations | Barber, Jennifer S., Ann E. Biddlecom, and William G. Axinn. 2000. "Neighborhood Social Change and Perceptions of Environmental Degradation." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 12-16, Washington, D.C. | 2,000 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G., Jennifer S. Barber, and Ann E. Biddlecom. 2000. "Social Change, Household Size and Environmental Consumption." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 23-25, Los Angeles, CA. | 2,000 | |
Presentations | Gajurel, Kishor. 1999. “Women and Family Size Norm: Do Women\'s Participation in Non-formal Institutions Limit Desire for Children?” Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New York, Sponsored by Population Reference Bureau of America. | 1,999 | |
Presentations | Barber, Jennifer S. 1999. "Ideational Influences on the Transition to Parenthood: Attitudes Toward Childbearing and Competing Alternatives." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, March 27-29, New York, NY. | 1,999 | |
Presentations | Barber, Jennifer S. 1999. "Communities and Attitudes: The Influence of Nonfamily Institutions and Experiences on Dispositions Toward Marriage." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Associations, August 6-10, Chicago, IL. | 1,999 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G. and Jennifer S. Barber. 1999. "The Spread of Mass Education and Fertility Limitation." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, March 27-29, New York, NY. | 1,999 | |
Presentations | Gajurel, Kishor and Stephen Matthews. 1998. “The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Family Planning Service in Chitwan District, Nepal.” Poster presented at the 1998 Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, April 2-4. | 1,998 | |
Presentations | Gajurel, Kishor and Stephen Matthews. 1998. "Family Planning Service Availability in Nepal: The Case of Chitwan District." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, April 2-4, Chicago, IL. | 1,998 | |
Presentations | Oladosu, Muyiwa.1997. “The Role of Men in Household Decision Making, Reproduction and Family Planning: A Study of the Gurungs in Chitwan Nepal.” Poster presented at the 1997 Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Washington D.C., March 27-29. | 1,997 | |
Presentations | Axinn, William G., Jennifer S. Barber and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 1996. "The Neighborhood History Calendar: A Data Collection Method Designed for Dynamic Multilevel Modeling." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, May 9-11, New Orleans, LA. | 1,996 | |
Presentations | Barber, Jennifer S., Ganesh P. Shivakoti, William G. Axinn and Kishor Gajurel. 1995. "Sampling Strategies for Less Developed Countries: A Detailed Example from Rural Nepal." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, April 6-8, San Francisco, CA. | 1,995 | |
Journal Articles | An, Li, Alex Zvoleff, Jianguo Liu, and William G. Axinn. 2014. "Agent-Based Modeling in Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Lessons from a Comparative Analysis."Annals of the Association for American Geographers 104(4):723-745. | DOI | 2,014 |
Journal Articles | Carter, Neil H., Andrés Viña, Vanessa Hull, William McConnell, William G. Axinn, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Jianguo Liu. 2014. "Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach to Wildlife Research and Conservation." Ecology and Society 19(3):43. | DOI | 2,014 |
Journal Articles | Carter, Neil H., Shawn J. Riley, Ashton Shortridge, Binoj K. Shrestha, and Jianguo Liu. 2014. "Spatial Assessment of Attitudes Toward Tigers in Nepal." Ambio 43(2):125-137. | DOI | 2,014 |
Journal Articles | Jennings, Elyse A. 2014. "Marital Discord and Subsequent Dissolution: Perceptions of Nepalese Wives and Husbands."Journal of Marriage and Family 76(3):476-488. | DOI | 2,014 |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E., Arland Thornton, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2014. "Migrant Values and Beliefs: How Are They Different and How Do They Change?" Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(5):796-813. | PMC3927938 | 2,014 |
Journal Articles | Yarger, Jennifer, and Sarah R. Brauner-Otto. 2014. "Nonfamily Experience and Receipt of Personal Care in Nepal." Ageing & Society 34(1):106-128. | 2,014 | |
Journal Articles | Allendorf, Keera, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2013. "Determinants of Marital Quality in an Arranged Marriage Society." Social Science Research 42(1):59-70. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, Nathalie E. Williams, and Kate M. Scott. 2013. "Gender, Traumatic Events and Mental Health Disorders in a Rural Asian Setting." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 54(4):444-461. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem B. 2013. "Rural Livelihood Change? Household Capital, Community Resources and Livelihood Transition." Rural Studies 32:126-136. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya. 2013. "Labour Migration and Investments by Remaining Households in Rural Nepal." Journal of Population Research 30(2):171-192. | 2,013 | |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2013. "Attitudes about Children and Fertility Limitation Behavior." Population Research and Policy Review 32(1):1-24. | OI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Carter, Neil H., Bhim Gurung, Andrés Viña, Jhamak B. Karki, and Jianguo Liu. 2013. "Assessing spatiotemporal changes in tiger habitat across different land management regimes." Ecosphere 4(10):art124. | 2,013 | |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., and William G. Axinn. 2013. "Marital Processes, Arranged Marriage, and Contraception to Limit Fertility." Demography 50:1663-1686. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., Stephanie A. Chardoul, Ronald Kessler, William G. Axinn, and Bishnu Adhikari. 2013. "Modifying and Validating the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) for Use in Nepal." International Journal for Methods in Psychiatric Research 22(1):71-81. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Jennings, Elyse A., and Jennifer S. Barber. 2013. "The Influence of Neighbors' Family Size Preference on Progression to High Parity Births in Rural Nepal." Studies in Family Planning 44(1):67-84. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Ji, Yingchun. 2013. "Negotiating Marriage and Schooling Nepalese Women's Transition to Adulthood." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 646(1):194-213. | 2,013 | |
Journal Articles | Piotrowski, Martin. 2013. "Mass Media and Rural Out-Migration in the Context of Social Change: Evidence from Nepal." International Migration 51(3):169-193. | 2,013 | |
Journal Articles | Piotrowski, Martin, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Ronald R. Rindfuss. 2013. "Farming Systems and Rural Out-Migration in Nang Rong, Thailand and Chitwan Valley, Nepal." Rural Sociology 78(1):75-108. | 2,013 | |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E. 2013. "How Community Organizations Moderate the Effect of Armed Conflict on Migration in Nepal." Population Studies 67(3):353-369. | 2,013 | |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., Ann E. Biddlecom, and William G. Axinn. 2003. "Neighborhood Social Change and Perception of Environmental Degradation." Population and Environment 25(2):77-108. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Allendorf, Keera and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2013. “Determinants of Marital Quality in an Arranged Marriage Society.” Social Science Research 42(1):59-70. | PMCID: PMC3711098 | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2013. “Rural Agricultural Change and Fertility Transition in Nepal.” Rural Sociology 78(2):229-252. | PMCID: PMC3667159. | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Binstock, Georgina, Arland Thornton, Mohammad J. Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire, Yu Xie, and Kathryn M. Yount. 2013. “Influences on the Knowledge and Beliefs of Ordinary People about Developmental Hierarchies.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 54(4):325-344. | PMCID: PMC3952150. | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2013. “Marital Processes, Arranged Marriage, and Contraception to Limit Fertility.” Demography 50(5):1663-1686. | PMCID: PMC3786027. | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Gatny, Heather H., Mick P. Couper, and William G. Axinn. 2013. "New Strategies for Biosample Collection in Population-Based Social Research." Social Science Research42(5):1402–1409. | DOI | 2,013 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Nathalie E. Williams. 2012. "Collecting Survey Data During Armed Conflict." Journal of Official Statistics 28(2):153-171. | PMC3571111. | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2012. "Schools, Their Spatial Distribution and Characteristics, and Fertility Limitation." Rural Sociology 77(3):321-354. | 2,012 | |
Journal Articles | Carter, Neil H., Binoj K. Shrestha, Jhamak B. Karki, Narendra Man Babu Pradhan, and Jianguo Liu. 2012. "Coexistence between Wildlife and Humans at Fine Spatial Scales." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(38):15360-15365. | 2,012 | |
Journal Articles | Carter, Neil H., Shawn J. Riley, and Jianguo Liu. 2012. "Utility of a Psychological Framework for Carnivore Conservation." Oryx 46(04):525-535. | 2,012 | |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj, and Keshav Lall Maharjan. 2012. "Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Flora in Forest, Grassland and Common Land Ecosystems of Western Chitwan, Nepal." Journal of International Development and Cooperation 18(4):77-92. | 2,012 | |
Journal Articles | Jennings, Elyse A., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2012. "The Effect of Parents' Attitudes on Sons' Marriage Timing." American Sociological Review 77(6):923-945. | DOI | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Link, Cynthia F., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2012. "Household Energy Consumption: Community Context and Fuelwood Transition." Social Science Research 41:598-611. | DOI | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Thornton, Arland, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Colter Mitchell. 2012. "The Measurement and Prevalence of an Ideational Model of Family and Economic Development in Nepal."Population Studies 66(3):329-345. | DOI | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, Kathryn M. Yount, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Yu Xie. 2012. "International Fertility Change: New Data and Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework."Demography 49(2):677-698. | DOI | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E., Dirgha J. Ghimire, William G. Axinn, Elyse A. Jennings, and Meeta S. Pradhan. 2012. "A Micro-Level Event-Centered Approach to Investigating Armed Conflict and Population Responses." Demography 49(4):1521-1546. | DOI. | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire, Arjan Gjonca, Attila Melegh, Colter Mitchell, Mansoor Moaddel, Yu Xie, Li-shou Yang, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Kathryn M. Yount. 2012. “Knowledge and Beliefs about National Development and Developmental Hierarchies: the Viewpoints of Ordinary People in Thirteen Countries.” Social Science Research 41(5):1053-1068. | PMCID: PMC3461177. | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Gatny, Heather H., William G. Axinn, and Scott T. Yabiku. 2012. "Willingness to Participate in Research during Pregnancy: Race, Experience, and Motivation." Field Methods24:135-154. | DOI | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Wagner, James, Brady T. West, Nicole Kirgis, James Lepkowski, William G. Axinn, and Shonda Kruger Ndiaye. 2012. "Use of Paradata in a Responsive Design Framework to Manage a Field Data Collection." Journal of Official Statistics28(4):477–499. | DOI | 2,012 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Linda Young-DeMarco, and Messo Caponi Roe. 2011. "Gender Double Standards in Parenting Attitudes." Social Science Research 40(2):417-432. | DOI | 2,011 |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E., Arland Thornton, Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2011. "Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans." Pp. 155-185 in Migrant Labour in the Persian Gulf,edited by M. Kamrava and Z. Babar. New York: Columbia University Press.. | 2,011 | |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Cynthia F. Link, and Robert M. Groves. 2011. "Responsive Survey Design, Demographic Data Collection, and Models of Demographic Behavior." Demography 48(3):1127-1149. | DOI | 2,011 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2011. "Social Organization, Population, and Land Use." American Journal of Sociology 117(1):209-258. | DOI. | 2,011 |
Journal Articles | Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya, and Douglas S. Massey. 2011. "Individual Decisions to Migrate During Civil Conflict." Demography 48(2):401-424. | DOI. | 2,011 |
Journal Articles | Link, Cynthia F. 2011. "Spousal Communication and Contraceptive Use in Rural Nepal: An Event History Analysis." Studies in Family Planning 42(2):83-92. | 2,011 | |
Journal Articles | Thornton, Arland, Alexandra Achen, Jennifer S. Barber, Georgina Binstock, Wade M. Garrison, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Wang Guangzhou, Ronald Inglehart, Rukmalie Jayakody, Yang Jiang, Julie de Jong, Katherine King, Ron J. Lesthaeghe, Sohair Mehenna, Colter Mitchell, Mansoor Moaddel, Norbert Schwarz, Yu Xie, Li-Shou Yang, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Kathryn M. Yount. 2010. "Creating Questions and Protocols for an International Study of Ideas About Development and Family Life." Pp. 59-74 in Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts, edited by M. Braun, B. Edwards, J. Harkness, T. Johnson, L. Lyberg, P. Mohler, B.E. Pennell, and T.W. Smith. Hoboken. NJ: John Wiley and Sons. | DOI | 2,010 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Jennifer S. Barber, and Ann E. Biddlecom. 2010. "Social Organization and the Transition from Direct to Indirect Consumption." Social Science Research 39:357-368. | DOI. | 2,010 |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., and William G. Axinn. 2010. "Parental Family Experiences, the Timing of First Sex, and Contraception." Social Science Research 39(6):875-893. | DOI. | 2,010 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., and William G. Axinn. 2010. "Community Context, Land Use and First Birth." Rural Sociology 75(3):478-513. | DOI. | 2,010 |
Journal Articles | Massey, Douglas S., Nathalie E. Williams, William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2010. "Community Services and Out-Migration." International Migration 48(3):1-41. | DOI. | 2,010 |
Journal Articles | Massey, Douglas S., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2010. "Environmental Change and Out-Migration: Evidence from Nepal." Population and Environment 32(2):109-136. | DOI. | 2,010 |
Journal Articles | Bohra-Mishra, Pratikshya, and Douglas S. Massey. 2009. "Processes of Internal and International Migration from Chitwan, Nepal." International Migration Review 43(3):621-651. | 2,009 | |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2009. "Schools, Schooling, and Children's Support of Their Aging Parents." Ageing & Society 29(7):1015-39. | 2,009 | |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2009. "Reciprocal Relation between Population and the Environment: Innovation in Flora Data Collection." Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science 30:143-149. | PMC3427142. | 2,009 |
Journal Articles | Shrestha, Binoj K., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Dharma Raj Dangol. 2009. "Lahare Banmara (Mikania micrantha) ko Atikraman; Badhdo Chunauti." Paryabaran 89:26-30. | DOI. | 2,009 |
Journal Articles | Williams, Nathalie E. 2009. "Education, Gender, and Migration in the Context of Social Change." Social Science Research 38(4):883-896. | DOI. | 2,009 |
Journal Articles | Yabiku, Scott T., and Sarah Schlabach. 2009. "Social Change and the Relationships Between Education and Employment." Population Research and Policy Review 28(4):533-549. | 2,009 | |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Dirgha J. Ghimire, and Jennifer S. Barber. 2008. "The Influence of Ideational Dimensions of Social Change on Family Formation in Nepal." Pp. 251-280 in International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives, edited by R. Jayakody, A. Thornton, and W.G. Axinn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.. | 2,008 | |
Journal Articles | Thornton, Arland, Georgina Binstock, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2008. "International Dissemination of Ideas about Development and Family Change." Pp. 19-44 in International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives, edited by R. Jayakody, A. Thornton, and W.G. Axinn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.. | 2,008 | |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2008. "Traditional Uses of Plants of Commonland Habitats in Western Chitwan, Nepal." Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science 29:71-78. | PMC3432267. | 2,008 |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2007. "The Spread of Health Services and Fertility Transition." Demography 44(4):747-770. | DOI. | 2,007 |
Journal Articles | Shrestha, Sundar S., and Humnath Bhandari. 2007. "Environmental Security and Labor Migration in Nepal." Population and Environment 29(1):25-38. | 2,007 | |
Journal Articles | Brauner-Otto, Sarah R., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2007. “Social Change, Health Services and Fertility Transition.” Demography 44(4):747-770. | 2,007 | |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and Lynette F. Hoelter. 2007. “Land Use and First Birth Timing in an Agricultural Setting.” Population and Environment 28(6):289-320. | DOI | 2,007 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., and Lisa D. Pearce. 2006. "Mixed Method Data Collection Strategies." Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.. | DOI | 2,006 |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., William G. Axinn, Scott T. Yabiku, and Arland Thornton. 2006. "Social Change, Premarital Nonfamily Experience, and Spouse Choice in an Arranged Marriage Society." American Journal of Sociology 111(4):1181-1218. | DOI. | 2,006 |
Journal Articles | Shrestha, Binoj K., Dharma Raj Dangol, and Krishnaji Ghimire. 2006. "Heterogeneity in Plant Population and Species Diversity in Barandabhar Corridor Forest, Chitwan." Banko Janakari 16(2):58-63. | 2,006 | |
Journal Articles | Yabiku, Scott T. 2006. "Land Use and Marriage Timing in Nepal." Population and Environment 27(5-6):445-461. | 2,006 | |
Journal Articles | Yabiku, Scott T. 2006. "Neighbors and Neighborhoods: Effects on Marriage Timing." Population Research and Policy Review 25(4):305-327. | 2,006 | |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J. and William G. Axinn. 2006. “Family Change in Nepal: Evidence from Western Chitwan.”Contributions to Nepalese Studies 33(2):177-201. | DOI | 2,006 |
Journal Articles | Biddlecom, Ann E., William G. Axinn, and Jennifer S. Barber. 2005. "Environmental Effects on Family Size Preferences and Subsequent Reproductive Behavior in Nepal." Population and Environment 26(3):583-621. | DOI. | 2,005 |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2005. "Species Composition, Distribution, Life Forms and Folk Nomenclature of Forest and Common Land Plants of Western Chitwan, Nepal." Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science 26:93-105. | 2,005 | |
Journal Articles | Ghimire, Dirgha J., and Paul Mohai. 2005. "Environmentalism and Contraceptive Use: How People in Less Developed Settings Approach Environmental Issues." Population and Environment 27(1):29-61. | DOI. | 2,005 |
Journal Articles | Yabiku, Scott T. 2005. "The Effect of Non-family Experiences on Age of Marriage in a Setting of Rapid Social Change." Population Studies 59(3):339-354. | 2,005 | |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S. 2004. "Community Social Context and Individualistic Attitudes Toward Marriage." Social Psychology Quarterly 67(3):236-256. | 2,004 | |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., and William G. Axinn. 2004. "New Ideas and Fertility Limitation: The Role of Mass Media." Journal of Marriage and Family 66:1180-1200. | DOI. | 2,004 |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., Susan A. Murphy, and Natalya Verbitsky. 2004. "Adjusting for Time-Varying Confounding in Survival Analysis." Sociological Methodology 34:163-192. | 2,004 | |
Journal Articles | Bhandari, Prem B. 2004. "Relative Deprivation and Migration in an Agricultural Setting of Nepal." Population and Environment 25(5):475-499. | DOI. | 2,004 |
Journal Articles | Hoelter, Lynette F., William G. Axinn, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 2004. "Social Change, Premarital Non-Family Experiences, and Marital Dynamics." Journal of Marriage and Family 66:1131-1151. | DOI. | 2,004 |
Journal Articles | Yabiku, Scott T. 2004. "Marriage Timing in Nepal: Organizational Effects and Individual Mechanisms." Social Forces 83(2):559-586. | 2,004 | |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., and Jennifer S. Barber. 2003. "Linking People and Land Use: A Sociological Perspective." Pp. 285-313 in People and the Environment, edited by J. Fox, R.R. Rindfuss, S. Walsh, and V. Mishra. Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 2,003 | |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., Ann E. Biddlecom, and William G. Axinn. 2003. "Neighborhood Social Change and Perceptions of Environmental Degradation." Population and Environment25(2):77-108. | DOI | 2,003 |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., Lisa D. Pearce, Indra Chaudhary, and Susan Gurung. 2002. "Voluntary Associations and Fertility Limitation." Social Forces 80(4):1369-1401. | DOI. | 2,002 |
Journal Articles | Beutel, Ann M., and William G. Axinn. 2002. "Gender, Social Change, and Educational Attainment." Economic Development and Cultural Change 51(1):109-134. | DOI. | 2,002 |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2002. "Ethnobotanical research and education in Chitwan, Nepal." Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science 51(1):109-134. | DOI. | 2,002 |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj. 2002. "Economic Uses of Forest Plant Resources in Western Chitwan, Nepal." Banko Janakari 12(2):56-64. | PMC3469582. | 2,002 |
Journal Articles | Maples, Jerry J., Susan A. Murphy, and William G. Axinn. 2002. "Two-Level Proportional Hazards Models." Biometrics 58(4):754-763. | DOI. | 2,002 |
Journal Articles | Pearce, Lisa D. 2002. "Integrating Survey and Ethnographic Methods for Systematic Anomalous Case Analysis."Sociological Methodology 32(1):103-132. | DOI. | 2,002 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., and Jennifer S. Barber. 2001. "Mass Education and Fertility Transition." American Sociological Review 66(4):481-505. | DOI | 2,001 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., and Scott T. Yabiku. 2001. "Social Change, the Social Organization of Families, and Fertility Limitation."American Journal of Sociology 106(5):1219-1261. | DOI. | 2,001 |
Journal Articles | Dangol, Dharma Raj, and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. 2001. "Plant Diversity of Western Chitwan: A Floristic Approach." Journal of Natural History Museum 20:129-148. | 2,001 | |
Journal Articles | Pienta, Amy Mehraban, Jennifer S. Barber, and William G. Axinn. 2001. "Social Change and Adult Children's Attitudes toward Support of Elderly Parents: Evidence from Nepal." Hallym International Journal of Aging 3(2):211-235. | 2,001 | |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., Susan A. Murphy, William G. Axinn, and Jerry J. Maples. 2000. "Discrete-Time Multilevel Hazard Analysis." Sociological Methodology 30:201-235. | DOI. | 2,000 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Lisa D. Pearce, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 1999. "Innovations in Life History Calendar Applications."Social Science Research 28(3):243-264. | DOI. | 1,999 |
Journal Articles | Shivakoti, Ganesh P., William G. Axinn, Prem B. Bhandari, and Netra Chhetri. 1999. "The Impact of Community Context on Land Use in an Agricultural Society." Population and Environment 20(3):191-213. | DOI. | 1,999 |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. 1997. "Demographic Issues and the Use of Natural Resources." Pp. 83-85 in People, Participation, and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics of Natural Resource Systems,edited by Shivakoti et al. Bloomington, Indiana and Rampur, Chitwan: Winrock International. | 1,997 | |
Journal Articles | Axinn, William G., Jennifer S. Barber, and Dirgha J. Ghimire. 1997. "The Neighborhood History Calendar: A Data Collection Method Designed for Dynamic Multilevel Modeling."Sociological Methodology 27:355-392. | DOI. | 1,997 |
Journal Articles | Barber, Jennifer S., Ganesh P. Shivakoti, William G. Axinn, and Kishor Gajurel. 1997. "Sampling Strategies for Rural Settings: A Detailed Example from Chitwan Valley Family Study, Nepal." Nepal Population Journal 6(5):193-203. | 1,997 | |
Publication Type | Publication | Year |
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