Introduction to Survey Research Techniques

Duration: 40 hours (5 days)

Number of Participants: 15-20

Pre-requisite: Master’s degree in social science or any other relevant discipline. Background in social science research will be an asset.


Dr. Dirgha Ghimire, Research Associate Professor, University of Michigan  

Mr. Bishnu Adhikari, Data Manager, ISER-N

Ms. Indra Chaudhary, Study Manager, ISER-N  

Course Description

This course focuses on the theory and practice of survey research methods and techniques. In general, the training will cover the following topics research process, social research methods, survey research designs, survey lifecycle, survey errors, cost/quality trade-off, formulation of research question and hypothesis, conceptualization and measurement, sampling, questionnaire design and evaluation, techniques of interviewing, data processing, data preparation, coding, cleaning and management of data, analysis and publication of research findings and research ethics. Emphasis will be given to hands-on experience in understanding and conducting each phase of survey lifecycle.

This interactive course uses a combination of lecture, n-class exercises, group exercises and individual participation. Individual consultation will be provided to assist participants with the assignments leading to a grant proposal. Assignments throughout the week should be emailed or handed in ashard copy the day they are due. Feedback will be provided in a timely manner to aid in future assignments.

Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  • Understand complete survey cycle.
  • Learn about survey data collection technique, processing, analysis and publication.

Earlier Participants

Participants November 2011